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  • Tips For Thriving, How To Get More Protein, and Home Ab Workouts

Tips For Thriving, How To Get More Protein, and Home Ab Workouts

5 tips to maximize workouts

Nutrition Corner

How to Get More Protein - 35 Tricks from Nutritionists: If you're trying to gain muscle mass, strength, or more energy, get ready to pack in the protein.

5 nutrition tips to maximize workouts: Are you looking for ways to maximize your workout or training plan, but are unsure where to start?

Recipe for The Day

Watermelon Caprese Salad: This refreshing twist on the classic caprese salad replaces tomatoes with sweet, juicy watermelon.

Lifestyle & Fitness Focus

5 Health benefits of feta cheese that may surprise you

  • Nutrient-rich: Feta cheese is indeed a good source of essential nutrients. It boasts high-quality protein, making it a valuable dietary option, especially for individuals following a vegetarian or Mediterranean diet.

  • Lower calorie count: In comparison to several other cheese varieties, feta cheese stands out for its relatively low fat and calorie content.

  • Probiotic properties: Feta cheese undergoes a fermentation process facilitated by beneficial bacteria, which imparts it with probiotic properties.

  • Vitamin and mineral rich: Feta cheese is packed with a range of essential vitamins and minerals that are crucial for optimal bodily functions. It is particularly notable for its calcium content, which is essential for maintaining strong and healthy bones.

  • Reduced lactose content: Feta cheese is known for its relatively lower lactose content compared to many other types of cheese, making it a more tolerable option for individuals with lactose intolerance.

4 Tips to Improve Your Exercise Motivation That Actually Work

  • Avoid making judgments about your day first thing in the morning: Say you wake up after the weekend feeling stiff and lethargic. You remember you’ve signed up for a strength-training class that night and immediately begin dreading it. Your Monday workout motivation is totally shot. Yet instead of canceling it from your phone while still snuggled in bed, tell yourself that you’ll focus on simply getting through the work day and then reassess your workout plans when the time gets closer.

  • Start with something easy: Do a longer warm-up, and then slowly build from there—you definitely don’t want to jump into high-intensity work, especially if you’re feeling blah about it.

  • Break your workout into smaller chunks: Instead of focusing on the total time of your workout or an intimidatingly high amount of volume you’re hoping to accomplish, redirect your attention to getting through the next 30 seconds.

  • Create a reward system for yourself: On days when you’re really struggling with workout motivation, incentivize yourself with a mini reward system. Think of small ways to treat yourself—get a 10-minute neck massage, for example, or watch an episode of your favorite Netflix show—and cash in on those rewards when you stick with your routine for the day.

3 Reasons Why Walking is Better that Swimming for Fat Loss

  • Sustainable Caloric Burn: One of the fundamental reasons walking stands out in the realm of weight loss is its sustainable caloric burn. While high-intensity workouts can torch calories during the activity, walking operates on a different principle.

  • Accessible for All Fitness Levels: Unlike some high-impact exercises that might pose challenges for individuals with joint issues or limited mobility, walking is a low-impact activity accessible to virtually everyone.

  • Consistent Lifestyle Integration: Perhaps one of the most significant advantages of walking for weight loss is its seamless integration into daily life.

Ab Workout At Home: 4 Best Ab Exercises

  • Side reaches: This move works your lower core muscles. Stand with your feet hips-distance apart and your arms at your sides. Place the right hand on the back of the head like you would for a crunch. Begin moving your torso down toward the left, crunching the left oblique, so that your right elbow reaches up toward the sky. Reach your left hand down toward the ground. Hold this position, squeezing the abs, then switch sides.

  • Toe reach: Lying down on your back, reach your legs straight up so your feet are reaching toward the ceiling. For a modification, you can slightly bend your knees. As you exhale, tighten your upper abs and curl your head, neck and chest off the ground as you reach your arms toward your toes. Repeat 20 times.

  • Scissor kicks: Lie on your back with your legs straight up toward the ceiling. Let your arms rest down at your sides. You can also place your hands under your butt for increased stabilization. Squeeze your core and lower both of your legs 6-12 inches down to about a 45-degree angle. Lift one leg up as your lower the other toward the floor. Switch legs. Continue to alternate, moving your legs in a flutter motion. Repeat for about 15 repetitions, and make sure not to speed up as you go.

  • Bird dog: Get on all fours with your palms directly below your shoulders and your knees below your hips. Straighten your left arm straight out in front of you and your right leg out behind you. After that, bend your left elbow and your right knee, crunching your abs, until they touch underneath your stomach. Repeat using your right arm and left leg. Alternate between sides, performing 10 times on each side.

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