The Vertical Diet, TikTok Trends, and Heart Healthy Foods

The 4 Best Exercises to Lose Your Love Handles

Nutrition Corner

Beans and 11 Benefits - Protein, Inflammation, and More: Beans are touted as a star ingredient in plant-based meals for their protein, zinc, and iron content.

What Is the Vertical Diet? What to eat, what to avoid and should you try the Vertical Diet? We'll tell you.

Recipe for The Day

Classic Lasagna with Meat Sauce: This simple lasagna is perfect for when you're short on time, but craving a comforting meal. Ready in just over an hour, it requires only 50 minutes of cooking in the oven. Extra-lean ground beef (which sometimes cooks up dry) works well here because it's combined with marinara to keep it moist.

Lifestyle & Fitness Focus

3 Heart Healthy Foods To Lower Cholesterol, Prevent Heart Disease

  • Nuts and seeds: A handful of nuts each day may lower risk of heart disease. Nuts are high in healthy fat, fiber, minerals, vitamins and several other bioactive compounds, such as antioxidants, which may in part explain their beneficial effects on cardiovascular health.

  • Deeply colored fruits and vegetables: Diets rich in fruits and vegetables — whether fresh, frozen, canned or dried, but with the exception for white potatoes — are associated with a reduced risk of heart disease. Studies recommend eating whole fruits and vegetables rather than juicing them to get the most fiber, and choosing deeply-colored produce such as leafy greens and peaches, which tend to be more nutrient dense than paler options.

  • Beans: Beans and legumes are high in minerals and fiber, which has been shown to help protect against heart disease.

4 Best Foods High in Collagen

  • Bone Broth: Animal bones are a particularly rich source of collagen. The slow simmering process of bones and connective tissues in water allows the collagen in the bones to break down into gelatin, which can be more easily absorbed by your body.

  • Fish and Shellfish: Fish, particularly its skin and scales, is an excellent source of collagen. Collagen derived from fish, known as marine collagen, has great bioavailability. This means it's absorbed into the body more efficiently than collagen from other sources.

  • Chicken: Chicken, specifically chicken cartilage, is a natural source of collagen. It is rich in type II collagen, which is beneficial for joint health and may help alleviate symptoms of arthritis.

  • Egg Whites: Egg whites are a source of proline, one of the amino acids necessary for collagen production.

3 Surprising Health Benefits of Watermelon

  • It’s Super Hydrating: Staying hydrated is important all year round, but especially during the summer months when it’s hot and you might be sweating more. While drinking water is an obvious choice to meet your daily fluid needs, it’s not the only hydrating option out there.

  • It Can Ease Muscle Soreness: Whether you are a gym rat or a weekend warrior, if you enjoy exercise, you have likely felt the burn of muscle soreness at some point. There’s some research that a specific amino acid called L-citrulline might help with muscle soreness post-workout.6 Watermelon—especially the rind—is an excellent source of L-citrulline.

  • It Supports Fertility: One of the most surprising potential areas of watermelon’s health benefits is fertility.

The 4 Best Exercises to Lose Your Love Handles

  • Barbell Front Squat: Stand with feet hip-distance apart, holding barbell across collarbone. Place your fingertips under the barbell just outside shoulders, elbows pointing up. Lower into a squat until thighs are parallel with the floor. Push up to return to standing position.

  • Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat: Stand in front of a bench, back facing it, while holding a dumbbells in either hand. Rest one foot on the bench with laces down. Squat on standing leg until knee of trailing leg nearly touches floor. Push up through standing foot to return to starting position.

  • Single-Arm Dumbbell Rows: Holding a dumbbell in right hand, place left knee and left hand on a bench. Keeping your back flat, extend right arm toward floor. Exhale and slowly pull dumbbell up, bending elbow and keeping arm close to the side of your body. Inhale and gently lower the dumbbell to starting position to complete one rep.

  • Heavy Farmer's Walk: Stand tall with weights held by your sides. Take short, quick steps, keeping your shoulders tight and back straight.

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