The Atlantic Diet, Pumping Your Pecs, and Superfood Corn

How much protein do I need to build muscle?

Nutrition Corner

The Health Benefits of Popcorn - A Whole-Grain Snack: Discover the health benefits of popcorn as a whole grain, low-calorie snack rich in fiber and antioxidants.

How much protein do I need to build muscle? Let's face it, protein and muscle-building go hand-in-hand.

Recipe for The Day

Caramelized Onion Hummus Recipe: We adore this caramelized onion hummus! Caramelize a few onions and blend them up with chickpeas, lemon, tahini and garlic for the ultimate dip. Serve with pita chips, crackers, pretzels, veggies or even use as a spread!

Lifestyle & Fitness Focus

4 Health Benefits Of Eating Corn That Make It A Superfood

  • Good For Digestion: Corn is extremely good for digestion and also leads to a better bowel movement. If you experience irregularities in your bowel movements, then you can try eating corn for better digestion. It may also help in preventing constipation-related problems as well. Regular consumption of corn in suitable quantities may improve your digestive health.

  • Improves Eye Strength: Corn is rich in components like lutein and zeaxanthin. Both of these are great for strengthening our eyes. Due to the presence of both of these oxidants in high quantities, the risk of macular degeneration due to age may be reduced. It is important to remember that it will not overnight transform the health of your eyes. This is a long process and you will have to consume corn regularly to see substantial changes.

  • Gives Energy: Corn is also a great source of carbohydrates. So if you want an instant kick of energy, then you must go for corn. It can be a great choice as a pre-workout or post-workout snack. You can simply mix it with some vegetables and lemon juice. So if you are somebody who is looking for healthy food options for a quick meal, then you can try having corn.

  • Great For Heart: Corns may also help in improving the health of the heart. Corns can effectively help in reducing cholesterol levels in the body and also reduce the risk of potential heart attacks. This means that if you want to keep the health of your heart in its prime form, then try having a bowl of corn regularly.

3 Detox Waters To Burn Fat & Lose Weight

  • Grapefruit/Mint: Grapefruit and mint make for a refreshing combination—and one that provides a glassful of vitamins and minerals, too. Grapefruit has been found to help with weight loss, and specifically, abdominal fat loss, because of its phytochemicals.

  • Lemon/Lime/Cumin: You may not think of cumin when you think of refreshing flavored water, but you might want to reconsider, especially because research has found that the combination of lime and cumin may have a handful of health benefits.

  • Blueberry/Lemon: Blueberries are chock full of beneficial plant compounds, with one of the most powerful being a pigment called anthocyanin.

3 Wonderful Health Benefits Of Oatmeal

  • Oatmeal is full of fiber: Oatmeal is packed with fiber, a major benefit because it can help to ease gut problems if you're dealing with constipation and other gastro-intestinal issues, and experiencing troubling trips to the bathroom.

  • Oatmeal is rich in nutrients like B vitamins and magnesium: Oatmeal is a great whole grain to incorporate into your daily routine, either for breakfast or as an afternoon snack, as it's rich in energy-boosting B vitamins.

  • Oatmeal supports hydration: Additionally, oatmeal is great for hydration, as it has a high water content when cooked.

4 Best Dumbbell Chest Exercises To Pump Up Your Pecs

  • Dumbbell Bench Press: The first and most obvious move to make is a simple substitution of the barbell for a pair of dumbbells in your bench press. You may not be able to shift as much weight as you can on a bar, but the greater range of motion offered by dumbbells allows you to work the pecs more thoroughly.

  • Floor Press: No bench? Hit the floor. You’ll lose some of the ‘stretch’ in your chest as your arms can no longer dip below the midline of your body, but the floor press enables you to keep targeting your chest even with minimal equipment.

  • Dumbbell Incline Bench Press: Most bodybuilders will tell you that the incline bench press targets your upper-chest, but that’s not to say it isn’t an effective exercise for adding size across your entire pec-region. Incline presses can also be slightly more forgiving on your shoulders than their flat cousins.

  • Push-Ups on Dumbbells: Strictly speaking, you may not be using the dumbbells as intended, but this simple ‘hack’ of gripping your dumbbells on the floor as you perform your press-ups isn’t just more friendly on your wrists, it also allows you to stretch the pecs more than regular push-ups as your hands are slightly elevated. For home gym warriors, these are the perfect ‘drop-set’ accompaniment to the floor press.

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