Strong Butt, Super Supplements, and 4 Sneaky Foods

What Is the Mediterranean Diet, and How Can It Help You?

Nutrition Corner

I’m a dietitian — beware these 4 sneaky ‘health halo’ foods: Are you being hoodwinked by your health food?

What Is the Mediterranean Diet, and How Can It Help You? If you're looking for a healthy way to eat that has stood the test of time, the Mediterranean diet may be your best bet.

Recipe for The Day

Al Pastor Fish Tacos: Swap pork for flaky white fish in this riff on sweet and spicy al pastor tacos.

Lifestyle & Fitness Focus

Sea kelp benefits: what to know about the "super supplement"

  • It's full of nutrients: Sea kelp is a natural source of vitamins A, B1, B2, C, D and E, as well as minerals including zinc, iodine, magnesium, iron, potassium, copper and calcium. In fact it contains the highest natural concentration of calcium of any food – ten times more than milk.

  • It reduces inflammation: Fucoidan – found in kelp – may help to lower inflammation in the brain and can help those with neurodegeneration, although further research is required to determine its full benefits. Kelp may also help protect brain cells against toxicity.

  • It can help with weight loss: Iodine is a trace mineral vital for the operation of the thyroid gland, which plays an important part in body development and metabolism. It combines with tyrosine – an amino acid – to create T3 and T4, thyroid hormones that regulate metabolism and other physiological functions throughout the body. As sea kelp is the richest natural source of iodine it can help to regulate metabolism and in turn affect weight loss and gain.

  • It's a good source of calcium: Often on a plant-based diet and/or dairy-free diet, getting optimal amounts of calcium in your diet is challenging. However, kelp is an excellent source of calcium-containing 168 mg per 100 g serving. Calcium is key to build and maintain strong bones and supports the proper function of your muscles, heart and nervous system.

The 3 Best Ingredients Experts Say You Can Add To Your Overnight Oats For Faster Weight Loss

  • Medjool Dates: Medjool dates, known for their natural sweetness and rich, caramel-like flavor, can be a great addition to oats, enhancing both taste and nutritional value. While dates are naturally high in calories due to their sugar content, they offer a range of essential nutrients, including fiber, vitamins, and minerals. When incorporated into oatmeal, medjool dates contribute natural sweetness without the need for added sugars, making the dish more satisfying. The fiber content in dates also promotes a feeling of fullness, potentially curbing overall calorie intake throughout the day. Additionally, the combination of fiber and natural sugars helps regulate blood sugar levels, reducing the likelihood of energy crashes and subsequent cravings.

  • Chia Seeds: Chia seeds, tiny powerhouses of nutrition, can be a fantastic addition to oats, elevating both the texture and health benefits of the meal. Despite their small size, chia seeds are packed with fiber and various essential nutrients. When combined with oats, chia seeds absorb liquid and swell, creating a satisfying and pudding-like consistency. This gel-forming property contributes to a feeling of fullness, promoting satiety and potentially reducing overall calorie consumption.

  • Raspberries: Raspberries, bursting with vibrant color and a sweet-tart flavor, can be a delicious and healthful addition to oats, contributing not only to taste but also to weight loss goals. These berries are rich in fiber, which can promote a sense of fullness and aid in appetite control. When incorporated into oats, raspberries bring a natural sweetness without the need for added sugars, keeping the overall calorie content of the meal in check. Furthermore, raspberries are low in calories and high in water content, making them a satisfying yet calorie-friendly choice.

3 Things You Must Know Before Trying A Detox Diet

  • Eliminate Processed Food: Multiple studies have found that high consumption of sugary and highly processed foods is linked to health conditions like obesity, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. According to Healthline, these diseases can harm your liver and kidneys, hindering your body's ability to naturally detoxify. Eliminating processed foods from your diet can help keep your body's detoxification system healthy.

  • Eliminate Alcohol And Caffeine: Drinking too much alcohol reduces your liver's ability to carry out its functions, such as detoxifying. So consuming no alcohol can keep your body's detoxification system strong. While it can be challenging to eliminate caffeine from your diet, in the long run, eliminating caffeine can help reduce anxiety, improve sleep quality, and reduce headaches.

  • Reduce Gluten And Dairy Intake: According to Luke Coutino, a popular Holistic Nutritionist, following a 5-day gluten-free and dairy-free diet can help reduce markers of inflammation in your body, make you feel lighter, improve energy levels as well as gut health, among other benefits.

4 Glute Band Exercises for a Strong Butt

  • Banded Squat: Start standing with feet hip-width apart and band around ankles, hands clasped in front of you. Push hips down and back, bending knees and lowering into a squat. Make sure chest stays tall, back flat, and core tight. Resist knees collapsing in toward each other by driving them outward. Then, drive heels and toes into the ground to stand back up. Repeat.

  • Crab Walks: Start standing with feet hip-width apart and band around ankles. Lower into a shallow squat position, sending hips down and back and bending knees. Hold this position as you take three steps to the left. Next, take three steps to the right. That's one rep. Make sure your chest stays tall, back flat, and core tight. Resist knees collapsing in toward each other by driving them outward and aim to keep feet parallel the entire time. Repeat.

  • High Plank Leg Lifts: Start in a push-up or high plank position, with the band around the ankles, forming a straight line from shoulders to heel. Line shoulders directly over wrists. Without arching your back, squeeze your right glute and lift your right leg up toward the ceiling. Then place it back down. Then, squeeze the left glute and lift the left leg up toward the ceiling. Then place it back down. That's one rep. Don't let your hips drop or pike up; pull your belly button up toward your spine and push the floor away from you with your hands. Continue alternating.

  • Banded Clamshells: Start lying on your right side, with the band above your knees. Place right forearm on the ground and stack right shoulder over the right elbow, pushing the floor away to create space on the right side. Bend knees and hips about 45 degrees and stack knees and hips on top of each other. This is your starting position. Then, squeeze the left glute and rotate the left hip outward, lifting the left knee toward the ceiling. Slowly lower back down. Repeat for reps, then switch sides.

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