Social Media Unplug, Mood Boost, and Best Calorie Apps

The 5 Best Inner Thigh Exercises to Tone

Nutrition Corner

How many calories are in an apple? Nutrition facts for the favorite fruit: Adults should eat 1.5 to 2 cups of fruit per day. Apples are a great option, high in fiber and other nutrients.

Best Calorie Counter Apps: Counting calories can help you be more aware of what you eat, making it easier to reach your health goals.

Recipe for The Day

This Banana Split Yogurt Bark Recipe Takes the Classic Sundae on the Go: We’re taking the flavors of a classic banana split wherever we go this summer, thanks to this frozen yogurt bark.

Lifestyle & Fitness Focus

Four health benefits of black coffee

  • Potential to prevent Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s: Coffee seems to protect against developing Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, research has repetitively shown. Scientists in Canada who studied this phenomenon suggested in a 2018 paper that this effect could be down to compounds called phenylindanes, which are produced when coffee beans are roasted. They are thought to prevent a build-up of proteins called amyloid and tau, which are toxic to brain cells.

  • Cancer prevention: Studies have found that some cancers, especially liver and womb cancer, are less common among coffee drinkers. There’s also some evidence that the drink may protect against mouth and skin cancers. While the exact mechanisms behind this are unclear, Prof Collins says two phytonutrients found in coffee, called cafestol and kahweol, seem to be behind this effect.

  • Mood and depression: The mental effects of coffee are obvious – you’re left feeling more alert, attentive and energised in the hours after drinking a cup. However, beyond these short-term changes, coffee seems to have long-lasting mental health effects. One review, from researchers in China, found that there was a 24 per cent lower risk of depression among the biggest coffee drinkers, who were downing four-and-a-half cups a day, compared to those who had less than one cup per day.

  • Weight management and metabolism: As well as being low in calories, coffee may also boost the body’s calorie-burning capabilities by activating brown fat, research suggests. The purpose of brown fat, typically stored around the neck, is to generate body heat when exposed to cold temperatures, which it does by burning calories. It is different from the more common white fat, which builds up if people eat too many calories.

Four foods that 'help ease anxiety symptoms' with mood boosting nutrients

  • Dark leafy greens: Incorporating dark leafy greens such as spinach, kale, and pak choi into your meals can help manage anxiety. You can try mixing spinach into your favourite curry or tossing pak choi into your stir fry for a delicious, anxiety-easing meal. They are loaded with brain-enhancing vitamins like magnesium, which regulates serotonin and supports improved sleep — often a challenge for those dealing with anxiety. As well as this, these leafy greens are abundant in vitamin B, which can aid in lowering stress levels.

  • Salmon: Salmon is delicious and nutritious, but it's also a great brain-food. Alternatives such as sardines, mackerel, or herring are equally good due to their high content of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids. Research shows that insufficient vitamin D levels can exacerbate anxiety. Therefore having more vitamin D may contribute to alleviating anxiety symptoms. Additionally, adding cod liver oil tablets to your daily regimen is an effective method to boost your omega-3 intake, which has been demonstrated to help in managing anxiety symptoms.

  • Yoghurt: Rich in probiotics that stimulate gut health, yoghurt is a great addition to your diet if you are struggling with anxiety. If you struggle with sleep, mood, or digestion during anxious periods, the probiotics in yoghurt can relieve these symptoms and increase the production of serotonin. Try opting for yoghurts with live cultures will maximise these benefits.

  • Green tea: A soothing cup of green tea is a great beverage option to lower the stress hormone, cortisol. Green tea contains high levels of L-theanine, which is a chemical that supports cognitive functions, sleep, blood pressure, and relaxation, playing a key role in reducing anxiety. It should be noted not all teas have a soothing effect, in fact, some may exacerbate symptoms. It's advisable to avoid beverages high in caffeine, which can stimulate the nervous system, like black tea and coffee.

4 Reasons to Unplug From Social Media for Better Mental Health

  • Reduced anxiety and depression: According to a recent study published in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, a social media break of just a week can reduce anxiety and depression. The same study found causal evidence that even short breaks from social media can positively impact a person's overall well-being, life satisfaction and emotions.

  • Enhanced focus and increased productivity: This one should come as no surprise. When we are free from distractions, we allow ourselves to be more present. Mindless scrolling on social media, checking notifications on your phone and feeling the urge to reply immediately to emails are time consumers. When we set aside distractions, we allow more time to focus on our responsibilities.

  • Improved sleep: Disconnecting from electronic devices a few hours before going to sleep can significantly improve our quality of sleep. One study found that people who used social media before bed were more likely to have anxiety, insomnia and short sleep duration on weeknights.

  • Meaningful connections in real life: A small 2019 study found that smartphones alter the fabric of social interactions. In the experiment, a group of strangers was put in a waiting room with or without their phones. The study found that those who had their phones present were less likely to smile at someone compared to those without a phone. Setting your phone aside can help you stay engaged with those around you.

The 5 Best Inner Thigh Exercises to Tone Muscle

  • Lateral Lunges: Also known as side lunges, this inner thigh exercise is a great starting point for muscle toning. This exercise works to strengthen your quads, glutes, and hamstrings, but it also blasts the fat in your inner and outer thighs.

  • Sumo Squats: Squats are one of the best exercises you can do. Not only do they strengthen and tone your legs, but they also give you more flexible joints and make you a better overall athlete.

  • Bent-Over Barbell Row: The bent-over barbell row hits all the major players in your back — the lats, mid traps, and rhomboids. By hinging at your hips to row the weight to your stomach, you’ll also engage your entire posterior chain, including your hamstrings, glutes, and spinal erectors.

  • Fitness Ball Squeezes: If you were alive in the ‘80s, you probably remember Suzanne Somers and her infamous Thigh Master. Its claim to fame was that you could “squeeze your way to firmer thighs” by placing it between your legs and compressing it. In reality, you don’t need a fancy piece of equipment like this to get the same effect. A simple apparatus at your local gym will do trick.

  • Cable Hip Adduction: The seated adductor machine may be the easy and obvious choice for targeting the inner thigh muscles. However, Raffle says that it’s not the best. It actually combines hip internal rotation with hip adduction, because of the angled position at the hip. And seated exercises burn fewer calories, so it’s less effective at toning,” he says. Cable hip adduction, on the other hand, is a more targeted way to work the inner thigh. This is usually done with an ankle cuff attached to a pulley.

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