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Motivation That Works, 7 Dietary Hacks, and Improving Brain Function

How to Leave a Toxic Relationship in 5 Steps

Nutrition Corner

Boost Your Protein Intake With These 7 Dietary Hacks: Don't neglect this key macronutrient if you want to make some serious changes to your fitness.

Peanut Butter - The Right Amount for Your Health, According to Nutrition Pros: This article provides expert advice on the recommended quantity of peanut butter consumption.

Recipe for The Day

Strawberry-Orange Fools: Similar to a parfait, these orange and strawberry fools feature fresh fruit amid layers of crispy waffle cones and whipped cream.

Lifestyle & Fitness Focus

3 Tips To Increase Your Motivation To Exercise That Actually Work, According To A Sports Psychologist

  • Find a buddy and track your progress: A workout partner is a good idea when trying to find the motivation needed to exercise because of accountability. Together, you can then work out actionable steps that will help keep you committed to your desired exercise goals.

  • Make physical activity fun for yourself: Find an activity or sport you enjoy and use it as your workout. By doing this, you will be getting exercise while hardly even thinking about it because you're having fun.

  • Log your progress by maintaining an exercise journal: Writing down your goals and seeing the benefits of regularly exercising may help motivate you. After each workout, log what exercises you did, how long, and how you felt afterward.

How to Leave a Toxic Relationship in 5 Steps

  • Talk to your partner about what is bothering you: If they are willing to see a therapist, then go to counseling together. However, if you get the necessary help and find the same patterns being repeated over and over again, you should consider ending the relationship.

  • Tell trusted family members and friends about the situation, including that you plan to leave: You may need a place to stay when you end the relationship, and people in your social network could help provide that stepping stone. At the very least, they can offer social and emotional support.

  • Work on your self-esteem: Engage in activities that you value, including exercise and time with loved ones. These activities will boost your self-esteem.

  • Save money: Try to put away as much money as possible to prepare for the eventual end of the relationship. If your partner has been violent and/or has threatened you, keep records of every instance and consider getting a restraining order against them. Restraining orders give officers the right to search the person if the order is violated, which is important for keeping the targeted person safe.

  • Leave and cut off all communication: Continuous exchanges can prolong the healing process. Sometimes it is impossible to cut off all communication, such as when children are involved. In those cases, keep the communication direct and minimal—discuss what you must and nothing more.

The Phenomenal Benefits of Walking 10,000 Steps Every Day

  • Cardiovascular Health: Walking is a low-impact cardiovascular exercise that can significantly benefit your heart and overall cardiovascular health. Regular walking helps lower blood pressure, reduce LDL cholesterol levels (the “bad” cholesterol), and improve circulation. This, in turn, reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular conditions.

  • Improved Muscle Tone and Strength: Walking engages various muscle groups in your lower body, including your calves, thighs, glutes, and core. As you walk, these muscles work together to propel you forward, leading to improved muscle tone and strength. Over time, you’ll notice greater endurance and stamina, making everyday activities easier to tackle.

  • Enhanced Bone Health: Walking is a weight-bearing exercise, which means it puts stress on your bones in a controlled and safe manner. This helps improve bone density and strength, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures. It’s particularly beneficial for maintaining strong leg bones, which are crucial for mobility and balance as you age.

  • Better Posture and Joint Health: Walking with proper posture can help improve your overall posture and spinal alignment. It engages the core muscles that support your spine, leading to better posture and reduced risk of back pain. Additionally, walking is gentle on the joints, making it an excellent choice for individuals who may have joint issues or arthritis.

Arm and Shoulder Exercises

  • Plank: Balance on the hands and toes with the body in one straight line, hands underneath the shoulders and feet hips-width distance apart. Pull your abs to your spine, and hold this position for 30 to 60 seconds. This counts as one rep.

  • Mountain Climber: Start in a traditional push-up starting position — shoulders over hands and weight on just your toes. Bring your right foot forward, bending the knee and putting weight on the ball of your foot. Switch legs, bringing the left knee forward while moving the right leg back. This completes one rep.

  • Push-Up: Start in a plank position, with palms spread out evenly and your shoulders over your wrists and legs out behind you. Pull your belly button in, and keep your back straight. As you lower and exhale, bend your elbows outward to the sides. Hold at the bottom before you raise back up to complete one rep.

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