Love Handles, Jaundice Recovery, and Health Transformation

Peanut Butter Is Healthy—if You Follow This 1 Rule

Nutrition Corner

What Is Tea Tree Oil Good For? Uses and Benefits: You may also spot it in the medicine aisle as part of a cough or cold syrup.

Peanut Butter Is Healthy—if You Follow This 1 Rule: You have to know what to look for.

Recipe for The Day

Cranberry Apple Pie: Cranberries add a hint of tartness to a classic apple pie.

Lifestyle & Fitness Focus

​4 solid reasons to eat one kiwi every day​

  • Kiwis are packed with immune-boosting vitamins C and E: This superfood has a pop of sweet, refreshing, and slightly tangy flavor, and is an excellent source of vitamin C. In fact, in one cup of kiwi you’ll get over 250 percent of your daily vitamin C needs. Kiwi is also loaded with vitamin E.

  • Kiwis are filled with fiber for healthy digestion: Kiwifruit can also keep your gut health in ship-shape as it’s loaded with fiber and enzymes that aid in digestion. Kiwi contains both soluble and insoluble fiber, providing the cholesterol-lowering and regularity-encouraging power of each fiber type.

  • Kiwis provide powerful plant compounds: Kiwi is also chock-full of plant compounds, which really set plant-based foods apart when it comes to nutrition because they’re so rich in antioxidants. Kiwi is rich in antioxidants that help to reduce inflammation in the body. It’s especially high in the plant compound group carotenoids, particularly lutein and zeaxanthin.

  • Kiwis have vitamin K to support normal blood clotting: Rich in vitamin K, kiwi can help to maintain healthy blood clotting throughout the body. While too much clotting throughout the body can be dangerous, regularly functioning clotting is vital for the body to recover from injury.

3 reasons to start a journal

  • Journals help you express feelings: As long as your journal is free from prying eyes, there is no safer place to express yourself than in a journal. Many people write down the statements they’d never say to someone in person because it would be too harsh and counter-productive.

  • Journals help you clarify: The very nature of journaling forces you to focus on one topic at a time. It’s normal to feel both love and anger for the same person, for example. Write out one paragraph about what you love about them, and then another about what angers you. Each emotion gets its time on stage, one at a time.

  • Journals help you remember: Yes, it can help you recall what happened during the week, but it’s much more than that. Writing is a slower process than thought or speech, meaning you are slowing down and letting yourself become immersed in the memory. The details of the memory seem to percolate as you move through them at a slower, more deliberate pace.

3 Breathing Exercises For Anxiety, Backed By Experts

  • Belly Breathing or Diaphragmatic Breathing: Shallow breathing can limit the diaphragm’s range of motion, which can make you feel short of breath or anxious. Shallow breathing can also push your nervous system into a “fight or flight” response, making you feel tense and anxious.

  • The Humming Breath: The humming breath, or bhramari pranayama, is a technique that combines breath and vibration to ease tension in the body and mind. The vibrations within this practice help recalibrate what’s overactive in the body while the breath itself activates the parasympathetic nervous system. It’s a great practice for any time of day.

  • Pursed Lips Breathing: When you feel short of breath, pursed lip breathing helps to bring more oxygen into your lungs and calms you down, allowing you to have more control over your breath.

4 Simple Ways to Get Rid of Love Handles

  • Lying Leg Twists: Begin in the laying position on the ground with your back flat, palm flat on the ground, and both arms extended to the sides. Position your calves parallel to the ground by bending your knees and lifting your legs.Your thighs should create a ninety degree angle within your body. Next, bring both your legs to the left side of the ground so that your outer left thigh is touching the ground. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

  • Glute Bridge: Start in the laying position on the floor with your knees bent and feet close to your butt. Create a straight line between your shoulders and knees by raising your lower back and hips off the ground. Keep your glutes squeezed together. Release and repeat.

  • Russian Twists: Begin in a seated position on your hip bones with both your feet pressed onto the ground and your knees bent. Keep your abdominals tightened and lean your upper body slightly to the back at an angle of about forty-five degrees. Bring both your palms together in front of your abdomen. You can also clutch a weight in between your palms.Balance your seated bones and raise your legs while keeping your knees bent. Next, gently twist your upper body to the left and bring your hands to the left side of the body. Swap sides and repeat.

  • Side Planks: Lay down on your left side and lean on your left elbow with your feet stacked and legs extended. With your core, hold your body off the ground in a straight line for about a few moments before lowering yourself back on the ground. Switch sides and repeat. For adding intensity to the exercise, raise the top leg and hold so that it is not stacked over your bottom leg.

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