Losing Arm Fat, Eating Popcorn, and Ruining Your Sleep

13 fruits that can help lower cholesterol level naturally

Nutrition Corner

This ‘healthy’ diet choice could ruin your sleep: If you’re feeling salty about your lack of sleep, you may need more sodium in your diet.

Quandary About Fats in the Diet: The mantra about reducing the risk of heart disease has been to replace saturated fats with unsaturated ones in the diet. If only it were that simple.

Recipe for The Day

Hot Honey Corn Salad: Sweet corn combines with hot honey for a nice overall balance of hot and sweet flavors in this delicious summer side dish. Serve this easy salad alongside grilled chicken or steak, or ditch the greens on the bottom and enjoy the corn mixture as a taco or burrito bowl topping.

Lifestyle & Fitness Focus

Benefits Of Popcorn - Here's What Dietitians Think

  • Increases Satiety: If you're on a mission to stave off hanger between meetings, reach for popcorn. Popcorn is teeming with fiber, a type of carbohydrate. And fiber helps increase satiety, or the feeling of fullness and satisfaction. Popcorn also acts like a sponge in your gut, where it soaks up water and expands. This causes the stomach receptors to release hormones that [tell your brain] you're full. In turn, you'll be more likely to feel satiated for a long time after noshing on popcorn.

  • Promotes Regular Bowel Movements: Popcorn is a fiber-rich food. It's especially high in insoluble fiber, which attracts water in the gut. This increases the bulk of your stool, thereby decreasing the time it takes to move through the gut. This can be a game changer if you're constantly backed up, as it can help keep you regular and potentially prevent constipation.

  • Reduces Blood Pressure and Cholesterol: Although most of the fiber in popcorn is insoluble, it contains some of the soluble kind too. Soluble fiber, as the name suggests, dissolves in water in the gut, and this creates a gel-like substance that may help lower LDL ("bad") cholesterol. Soluble fiber binds to bile (a fluid that contains cholesterol) forcing the bile to exit through your stool rather than get absorbed by your body. This decreases overall cholesterol absorption in your body, thereby decreasing high blood cholesterol, a major risk factor for heart disease.

5 reasons why strength training is important for climbing

  • Strength training can help you diversify your skills across different climbing styles

  • It reduces the risk of injury

  • It helps to counteract age-related loss (muscle strength, muscle strength, bone density).

  • It improves self-confidence and psychological resilience

  • It increases joy and motivation

4 Meal-Prep Tips From People Who've Been Doing It For Years

  • START WITH FAMILIAR RECIPES, AND BUILD YOUR REPERTOIRE FROM THERE: Prepping four or five brand-new recipes right off the bat can be overwhelming, especially if you aren’t sure whether they’ll turn out delicious or a disaster. The No. 1 rule to follow as you begin your meal-prep journey: Build your culinary expertise gradually. Begin with recipes you know really well. If you have a repertoire of four or five recipes that you know how to execute, you’ll always be able to make a reliable, tasty meal.

  • PLAN RECIPES WITH SIMILAR INGREDIENTS: A surefire way to get intimidated by meal prepping is to cram your fridge full of more ingredients than you can realistically manage. Simplify your workload (and your grocery list) by grouping your weekly recipes around similar ingredients. By planning multiple recipes for the week that have the same ingredients, you won’t have to chop up a bunch of different things at the same time. It makes the prep and cleanup process easier.

  • PICK A CULINARY THEME FOR THE WEEK: Not sure how to find recipes with similar ingredients? Choosing a culinary theme for the week is a great way to group meals that have complementary flavor profiles and use a lot of the same components.

  • USING ONLINE RECIPES? ALWAYS READ THE COMMENTS: While it’s usually a wise decision to stay away from the comment section of most online platforms, it can be helpful to look at the comments from other home cooks when you’re using online recipes. You'll often find lots of interesting ideas for ingredient substitutions, cooking methods, or serving suggestions from people who’ve already done it. You might even find a variation of the recipe that will speak to your taste buds more than the original version!

How to Lose Arm Fat, Per Trainers - Best Exercises for Arm Fat

  • Modified pushups: Gradually increasing the intensity of a move is essential in performing it correctly, especially if you’re new to strength training. By performing modified pushups, you’re slowly working your way up to the full move. To perform a modified pushup, come down on to all fours. Shift your legs back, balancing on your knees, so that you form a straight line from your head to your knees. Engage the core by tilting the pelvis forward. Bending at the elbows, lower your chest toward the floor. Push back up to the starting position. Perform 10 repetitions.

  • V Dumbbell Raise: Hold a dumbbell in each hand in front of your hip bones. Relax your shoulders and engage your core. Then, raise the weights straight up from your hips toward the front corners of the room as high and wide as your shoulders in a “V” position. Lower the weights down toward your hips, keeping the arms straight. Repeat 10 times.

  • Alligator mouth flies: Stand with your feet hips-distance apart, holding one dumbbell in each hand. Bend the knees slightly and hinge forward at the waist slightly. Pull your abs in. Dangle your arms down and then reach the right arm straight up in front of you until it is aligned with your right ear. Then, reach the left arm back behind you, engaging the left tricep. Think about forming one straight, diagonal line with both arms. Return to your starting position. Then alternate, reaching the left arm forward and the right arm back.

  • Side extension: Hold one dumbbell in each hand. Reach the arms down along your sides and plant your feet onto the ground with your feet as wide as your hips. Pull the abs in. Then extend the arms out to the sides and up as high as the shoulders, keeping the arms straight. Relax the neck. Lower the arms down to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.

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