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  • Hot Day Foods, Junk Food Memory, and Beating Your Muffin Top

Hot Day Foods, Junk Food Memory, and Beating Your Muffin Top

Could this pink rice be the food of the future?

Nutrition Corner

Could this pink rice be the food of the future? Scientists say it's more nutritious than normal rice

Junk food typical to Western diet may lead to long-term memory issues: A new study in rats has found that a high-sugar, high fat diet, such as junk food or a Western diet, caused long lasting memory issues.

Recipe for The Day

Mango Smoothie Bowl: Frozen mango turns silky when pureed with coconut milk in this healthy breakfast. We boost the golden hue with turmeric, and the delicate sweetness is provided by honey. Turmeric contains a compound called curcumin, which may help reduce inflammation in the body.

Lifestyle & Fitness Focus

3 Foods To Eat On A Hot Day For Lunch

  • Chickpea Salad: The chickpea salad features freekeh, a whole grain just like bulgur or farro and mixed with chickpeas, avocado and fresh herbs. A sprinkle of a little olive oil brings up everything together with lots of nutrients and coolness.

  • Corn Salad With Stoned Fruits: Corn and stone fruits like peaches and plums could be a wiser choice especially in summer. The recipe combines sweet corn with onions, juicy peaches and plums. This mixture helps you to keep your stomach cool and support healthy digestion during heat waves and scorching summer.

  • Macaroni And Black Bean Salad: A perfect salad for vegetarians for lunch and for vegans, just swap the mayonnaise with your preferred veggies. This snack can add freshness to the macaroni and bean salad, giving you an ideal option for side dishes for burgers and sandwiches.

4 benefits of eating eggs in the morning

  • Increase 'Good' Cholesterol Levels: Eggs have more cholesterol than other foods, with about 186 milligrams in one large egg.2 Department of Agriculture. What is the cholesterol content of eggs?. Cholesterol is a substance in your blood, made in the liver and found in food. Cholesterol isn't bad.

  • Might Protect Against Heart Disease and Stroke: On top of cholesterol's effects on the body, a study published in 2018 in Heart found that people who eat eggs aren't worse off than those who don't. In fact, the researchers did not find a connection between one-a-day egg consumption and heart disease, even in people whose genetics put them at high risk. The researchers noted that eggs may even have a protective effect. People who ate up to one egg per day had an 11% lower risk of heart disease—and an 18% lower risk of dying from it—than those who did not.

  • Eggs are a good source of protein, which helps make and repair your body's cells. Also, high-protein foods give you energy and keep you full.

  • Eggs contain choline, vitamins E and D, and folate, which each play key roles in the body: Choline is an essential nutrient that helps with memory, mood, and muscle control. Vitamin E protects your cells from damage. Vitamin D helps build bones and fight infections. Lastly, folate helps make red blood cells.

The 4 Biggest Benefits of Pilates, Explained By a Pilates Instructor

  • Improve Flexibility: The two support increased flexibility through stretching and lengthening your muscles, allowing your body to move through a full range of motion.

  • Body Awareness: Creating awareness and being conscious of how your body moves through a given space is important for both.

  • Focus on Breath: Both practices emphasize proper breathing techniques to enhance oxygen flow, improve concentration, and reduce stress.

  • Full Body Workout: Pilates and yoga incorporate the whole body allowing all muscle groups to be worked.

4 ways to beat your muffin top in two weeks

  • Drink more water: I know you are sick of hearing that water is great, especially when it comes to weight loss, but perhaps you are not being told enough. Drinking more water means you snack less and as your snacks are likely to be full of empty calories with high amounts of sugar, this is an enormous benefit when you are trying to lose weight, especially around the stomach area as this is the first place sugar goes. Water also flushes out any debris from the cells in our body, which can help burn fat and speed up our metabolisms, subsequently acting as another way to help us lose excess weight.

  • Do some core workouts: When targeting your muffin top, you should focus on core workouts such as abdominal crunches, oblique twists and leg raises. Keeping these core muscles strong will not only help to get you that washboard stomach you've been yearning for, but can also do wonders for your posture and give you more strength when doing other exercises like running and walking.

  • Monitor your portions: One of the first things you need to be doing is monitoring your portion sizes. Often people pour out their morning bowl of 'healthy' Granola without realising they are unintentionally about to consume half their calorie intake for the day. If you really want to fight away that muffin top fast, try using portion control gadgets. Portion control and food prepping continues to be one of the main reasons why we continue to struggle with weight management, as well as our increasingly demanding lives which often make it difficult to find the time to prepare healthy and nutritious meals.

  • Consume fat-burners like green tea and avocado: When trying to target specific areas of your body, it is very easy to focus on all of the foods you can't eat. There are loads of foods you should actually be adding to your plate to assist you in decreasing belly fat and getting rid of the dreaded muffin top before Christmas. You need to focus your meals around foods that melt fat, such as avocado, nuts, green tea, yoghurt, berries and water. Though some of these foods are high in fat, they are high in good fats which can help you to lose weight, when eaten in moderation as they help you to feel fuller for longer.

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