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  • Fat Burning Elements, Food For Healthy Eyes, and Food Cravings

Fat Burning Elements, Food For Healthy Eyes, and Food Cravings

These Books Will Help Heal Your Relationship With Food

Nutrition Corner

The Top 10 Healthy Food Trends to Expect in 2024: Sustainable, eco-conscious eating, saving money, and plenty of plants will be on the menu for all of us this coming year.

The Consumer Curiosity Report: I'm excited about “simple” foods like ramen and creating “hacks” that elevate them.

Recipe for The Day

Vegetable Stew With Peas, Potatoes, And Bell Pepper: This healthy vegetable stew recipe is so easy to make, and perfect for when you need a bowl of something cozy and delicious.

Lifestyle & Fitness Focus

3 Potential Health Benefits of Barre

  • You’ll Strengthen Your Muscles: The combination of ballet, Pilates, and yoga exercises in barre strengthen the whole body, but they primarily target the glutes (buttocks), quadriceps (the muscles in the front of your thighs), hamstrings (the muscles in the back of your thighs), calves, and feet.

  • You’ll Build Muscular Endurance: Barre movements are typically small, and thus may not look impressive to an onlooker. Still, they build serious muscular endurance, a skill the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) defines as the ability to produce and maintain force for a prolonged period.

  • You’ll Gain Flexibility: Flexibility — or the ability of your muscles, ligaments, and tendons to passively stretch — is a vital component of healthy movement. With enough flexibility, your soft tissues can move through the proper range of motion, which helps you function better in everyday life.

4 Best Foods for Healthy Eyes

  • Broccoli: A study promoted by the American Optometric Association found that indole-3-carbinol, a compound found in broccoli, can help to remove toxins from your retina. This reduces your risk for age-related macular degeneration, one of the leading causes of vision loss in older adults

  • Salmon: Keeping your eyes healthy means keeping them sufficiently hydrated. Some of the best foods for healthy eyes can go a long way. Salmon, for example, contains omega-3 fatty acids. This helps to reduce your risk for dry eye, an uncomfortable condition that gets more common as you age.

  • Carrots: You've probably heard it before: Carrots are one of the best foods for eye health. For starters, they contain tons of beta-carotene, an antioxidant that your body uses to make vitamin A. Vitamin A helps you see at night and defends against myopia.

  • Sunflower seeds: Sunflower seeds are one of the best foods for vision. They have lots of vitamin E, an antioxidant protects our eyes from oxidative stress. Vitamin E also helps fight against the sun's damaging UV rays, reducing your risk of cataracts.

3 Steps To Reduce Food Cravings

  • Identify the trigger: First things first - Notice what triggers you. Usually, in the case of food cravings, triggers are tied to emotions.

  • Map the behavior: Next, identify the behaviors following those triggers. Just naming those behaviors can be powerful; you could even write down these habits to refer back to when those food cravings strike.

  • Feel the result: Finally, pay attention to how you feel as you eat those foods. If your body truly feels satisfied, then that's a sign you've just fed your natural hunger cues. Write down those feelings where you have those triggers and behaviors—and voilà, you've just created a habit map.

4 Ab Exercises with Fat Burning Elements

  • Reverse Leg Lift Crunch Combo: First up is a killer combination of reverse leg lifts and crunches. This exercise isn’t just about isolating your abs; it’s a symphony of movements that engages both the lower and upper regions. Make sure you are squeezing and contracting those abdominal muscles while moving your leg up and lifting your torso as well.

  • Hollow Jack: The momentum keeps building with the hollow jack, a high plank exercise that targets your serratus and abdominals. You should understand the nuances of protraction and the crucial role it plays in enhancing core stability. As you alternate between a rounded back and a straight back, you’ll feel the burn intensify, laying the foundation for a stronger, more defined core.

  • Hi Low Tuck (Tuck Jump): Hold on tight because the next move is the most explosive of them all—the hi low tuck, also known as the tuck jump. Emphasis on the need for speed and precision. This exercise demands not just strength but also finesse to ensure a controlled descent that safeguards your wrists. Brace yourself for 10 reps that will leave your heart racing and your entire body engaged.

  • Curl Up: This challenging exercise requires a unique blend of momentum and power to stand up from a crunch position. Make sure you land softly to protect your tailbone. It’s a dynamic movement that targets your entire core, delivering the perfect finishing touch to this intense giant set.

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