Ending Hanger, Green Tea Weight Loss, and Fad Diets

3 foods that help residents live to 100

Nutrition Corner

21 healthy eating tips that are actually BAD for you: There's all sorts of advice out there aimed at trying to get us to eat more healthily and stay in shape.

Does green tea help with weight loss, belly fat? What to know about its health benefits.

Recipe for The Day

Spiced Butternut Squash Soup: Indulge in the warmth and comforting flavors of this delicious vegan spiced butternut squash soup.

Lifestyle & Fitness Focus

4 Healthy Foods That Fill You Up and Put an End to Hanger

  • Avocado: Sure, guac may be extra — but the hunger-busting effect of avocado totally makes up for it. This fan-favorite fruit (yes, fruit!) is high in healthy fats — i.e. monounsaturated fats — and fiber, which digest slowly in your body. This increases satiety, she says, keeping you full for a longer time.

  • Eggs: Trying to avoid a growling stomach? Take a crack at eggs, which provide protein and fat, both of which help [you] stay full longer. They contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are an essential nutrient we must get from foods as our bodies can't make it.

  • Oats: The fiber in oats makes it both nutritious and filling. Here's why: Beta-glucan, the soluble fiber in oats, is highly viscous (read: gooey). This slows down digestion, which triggers satiety signals and makes you feel full.

  • Bananas: If you need a quick bite, grab a banana. One of the most filling foods, a banana's a stellar source of fiber can slow down how quickly food goes through your digestive system. It also doubles as an easy, grab-and-go source of carbohydrates, which provides an energy boost.

Revamp Your Mental Health by Focusing on These 3 Exercises This Year

  • Walking: For many people, walking is their go-to mental health exercise. It's one of my favorites since it's relatively low-impact, and you can do it anywhere. Walking can help ease stress, relieve anxiety symptoms and promote positive thoughts. If you want the best results, walk outside and soak in the greenery. Nature walks have been found to reduce anxiety.

  • Running: If you're looking for a more intense form of exercise for mental health, try running. Our brains flood with endorphins that boost our mood when we run. It's what people call a "runner's high." Studies have found outdoor exercise to be an effective treatment alternative to antidepressants.

  • Strength training: Try strength training if you'd like the added benefit of building muscle while healing your mental health. It can lower the risk of developing depression or relieve existing symptoms. You also get the satisfaction that comes with meeting strength goals.

3 foods in this Costa Rican blue zone diet that help residents live to 100

  • Corn: In Nicoya, families have traditionally made tortillas by soaking corn kernels in wood ash. The traditional processing of corn boosts the nutritional value. The tortillas are high in complex carbohydrates, integral for maintaining energy. Corn by itself is also rich in fiber, so it will digest slowly and keep you satiated.

  • Beans: Black beans contain antioxidants, which strengthen the immune system. They also provide a substantial source of protein for muscle growth and fiber for managing blood sugar.

  • Squash: Squash is rich in vitamins A, B, and C, as well as magnesium and potassium, which are critical for bone, blood, and heart health, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Their antioxidants also help reduce oxidative stress, which can cause cell damage and disease.

Forget push-ups — 4 dumbbell exercises to sculpt arm muscles like Miley Cyrus

  • DUMBBELL SKULL CRUSHERS: We prefer using dumbbells or kettlebells for skull crushers because you can increase your range of motion more than barbells and work both arms independently, but you can use a barbell. Hold one weight in both hands or dual load by holding one in each hand, which will require more stability. The arm exercise kills the triceps and helps overload the muscle group without lifting super heavy weights.

  • DUMBBELL TRICEPS DIPS: Dips don't require weights, meaning you can dial up the intensity for your triceps using your body weight alone. The exercise also targets your pectoral (chest) muscles and the anterior deltoids (the fronts of your shoulders), helping to build shape in your upper arms.

  • DUMBBELL BICEPS CURLS: The biceps curl and hammer curl target the biceps heads differently, so we recommend choosing the best arm exercise for you and your muscle-defining goals. The biceps brachii in the upper arm has two heads: long and short. Biceps curls primarily work the short head using a palms-up (supinated) grip, and hammer curls target the long head (the outer muscle), plus other muscles like the brachialis and brachioradialis (a key forearm muscle) using a neutral grip — more muscles mean more bang for your buck.

  • DUMBBELL ARNOLD PRESS: The Arnold press is one of the best compound exercises for building shoulder strength and muscle and perfectly complements your arm workouts by stimulating all three shoulder heads — the anterior, posterior and lateral deltoids — and triceps to help hone 3D shoulder muscles.

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