Cool Down Workouts, Ditching Booze, and Health Resolutions

The Best Pre-Workout Snacks to Keep You Fueled at the Gym

Nutrition Corner

13 Healthy Foods to Eat for Breakfast, According to Nutritionists: Stay fuller for longer with these nutritious and delicious ideas.

Recipe for The Day

Honey-lime chicken tacos with watermelon salsa recipe: Smith’s Chef Jeff Jackson shared a delicious recipe with Fresh Living!

Lifestyle & Fitness Focus

3 best foods for high blood pressure

  • Berries: Blueberries and strawberries contain antioxidant compounds called anthocyanins, a type of flavonoid. A 2019 review suggests consistent findings to support the theory that anthocyanins and anthocyanin-rich berries can lower blood pressure.

  • Bananas: Bananas contain potassium, which can help manage hypertension. One medium-sized banana contains around 422 milligrams (mg) of potassium. A serving would be 1 large banana, 1 cup of sliced banana, or two-thirds of a cup of mashed banana.

  • Beets: Drinking beet juice may reduce blood pressure in the short and long term because it contains dietary nitrate. According to a 2022 systematic review, research shows that nitrate from beetroot juice lowers systolic blood pressure in people with arterial hypertension but does not affect diastolic blood pressure.

Health benefits of giving up alcohol: 4 effects of ditching booze

  • A healthier liver: If you stop drinking for a few weeks, your liver should start to repair itself and get rid of any excess fat that’s built up over time.

  • Fresher skin: Sticking to soft drinks not only hydrates your skin far better, alleviating dryness and often calming symptoms of skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema, it reduces the redness and irritation that alcohol can introduce, and eases puffiness, leaving you looking healthy and radiant without the need for your highlight routine.

  • Gym gains: Going tee-total for a month will help you get the most from your workout and allow your body to perform at its best when exercising.

  • A cut risk of health conditions: As part and parcel of the whole healthier organs deal, lessening your alcohol amounts also gets you a reduced risk of lots of nasty diseases, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, pancreatitis and cancer.

3 Best Running Stretches

  • Forward and Backward Leg Swings: Stand with feet hip-width apart and place your right hand on a wall for balance. Keeping your left foot anchored to the floor and a soft bend in the left knee, engage your core as you propel your right leg forward and backward in a slow, gentle swinging motion. Ensure the swinging leg remains extended (straight), the core engaged, and the hips facing forward. Repeat with the opposite leg.

  • Side-to-Side Leg Swings: Stand with feet hip-width apart and place both hands on a wall for balance. Keeping your right foot anchored to the floor and a soft bend in the right knee, engage your core and swing your left leg gently out to your left side. Then swing your left leg across and in front of your right leg before reversing the motion to swing the leg back out to your left. Keep your swinging leg straight and the hips facing forward. Repeat with the opposite leg.

  • Ankle Circles: Stand with feet hip-width apart, arms at your sides. Shift your weight onto your right leg and lift your left foot a few inches off the floor in front of you. Place your hand on a wall or lightly grip a chair if you need help with balance. Flex your left ankle to point your toes. Then, slowly rotate your left foot clockwise, making small circles with your ankle. Once you’ve finished all repetitions, rotate your left foot counterclockwise. Repeat with the opposite foot.

4 Cool Down Exercises For a Full-Body Stretch After Your Workout

  • Ear to shoulder stretch: Standing or sitting, drop your right ear toward your right shoulder and feel a stretch in the left side of the neck. Hold for 2-4 breaths, and then release and switch sides.

  • Chin to chest stretch: Place your hands behind your head and gently press your head forward and down so that your chin reaches toward your chest. Feel a stretch behind the upper back and neck. Hold for 2-4 breaths and then release.

  • Armpit stretch: Place your hands behind your head with elbows out to the sides. This time allow your head to lean back into your hands. Tilt your chin up and look up toward the ceiling, slightly arching the back. Hold for 2-4 breaths and then release.

  • Standing side reach: Standing with your feet together, lift your right arm straight up into the air. Keep your left arm at your side or on your hip. Bend at the waist toward your left so that you feel a stretch in the right side of your waist. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

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