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Burning The Most Calories, Brain Boosting Nutrition, and 3 Best Shoulder Exercises

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Lifestyle & Fitness Focus

Stay Consistent with Your Workout Routine: 4 Key Tips

  • Workout at the Same Time Every Day: Set a specific time for your workouts, just like you do for your skincare routine or meals. Consistency in timing helps your body adapt to the routine, making it easier to stick with.

  • Prepare Your Gym Gear in Advance: The hassle of searching for workout attire and gathering gym essentials can be a major deterrent. Instead, plan ahead by preparing your workout clothes and packing your gym bag the night before. Having everything ready eliminates excuses for skipping your workout.

  • Plan and Follow a Structured Workout Regimen: If you’re new to the world of fitness, consider enlisting a trained professional to create a customized workout plan based on your goals and body requirements.

  • Choose Workouts You Enjoy: Opt for workout routines that genuinely interest you. Don’t feel pressured to follow trends or routines you dislike.

These 5 Exercises Burn the Most Calories for Weight Loss, According to Experts

  • Running: Running is one of the best calorie burners out there. An average person can burn anywhere from 500 to 1000 in one hour of running. Speed, pace, and endurance are all factors that can impact this range. But running uses every muscle group in the body, allowing you to burn more calories.

  • Swimming: Swimming is a low-impact workout that also targets multiple muscle groups. In just 30 minutes of swimming, an average person can burn 200 to 300 calories.

  • Cycling: There’s nothing like a nice evening bike ride when the weather’s nice, and it’s actually a great workout too. A long, steady bike ride can burn up to 500 to 700 calories in an hour.

  • Jumping rope: This playground activity favorite can actually do wonders for your health. Jumping rope is great for strengthening the lower and upper body while improving endurance and cardiovascular fitness.

  • Strength training: Strength training is one of the most efficient ways to burn more calories. One hour of strength training can burn 300 to 400 calories on average, but you’ll continue to burn more calories throughout the day because of the EPOC effect.

4 Tips to Improve Your Exercise Motivation That Actually Work

  • Focus on simply getting yourself to your workout: Oftentimes, the hardest part about figuring out how to stick to a fitness routine is simply getting to a facility or space to actually exercise—and not the exercise itself. Just showing up is more than half the battle.

  • Remember your why: When you’re really struggling to muster up exercise motivation, try to recall why you wanted to start a workout routine in the first place. Was it to run a 5K with your friends? To bust out a double-digit set of bodyweight squats? Master a barbell deadlift? Or simply build the stamina you need to play with your kids?

  • Focus on yourself, not others: Don’t compare yourself to other gym-goers. It’s easy to watch someone bust out a set of single-leg deadlifts with ease, for example, and then feel discouraged over the fact that you can’t yet do one.

  • Visualize your success: Think about the goal you’re working toward: Then, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and visualize the moment that you reach it. Use your senses—sight, sound, touch—to visualize what exactly that moment will be like. Then, open your eyes and write down everything that came to mind.

3 Best Shoulder Exercises To Target Full Range of Motion

  • Renegade Row: Start in the top position of a pushup with your hands on dumbbells shoulder-width apart. Row one dumbbell toward the side of your body while balancing on the opposite hand and feet. Pause for one second at the top and return the weight slowly to the start position. Repeat on the other side.

  • Standing Dumbbell Fly: Hold a dumbbell in each hand by your sides. Without shrugging, use your upper body to swing the weights up a few inches. Your arms and torso will form an upside down V shape. Think of it as a lateral raise with momentum but without full range of motion.

  • High Pull: Grasp the bar with hands about double shoulder width and hold it in front of your thighs. Bend your knees and hips so the bar hangs just above your knees. Explosively extend your hips as if jumping and pull the bar up to shoulder level with elbows wide apart, as in an upright row.

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