Building Your Back, Freezer Friends, and Protein Science

Top 9 Vegetables To Include In Your Diet To Burn Belly Fat

Nutrition Corner

The Freezer Is Your Friend - Tips and Recipes to Save Money and Reduce Food Waste: With food prices soaring, the UMB Office of Sustainability and Yes Chef! offer helpful tips and recipes.

Save $$ While Grocery & Food Shopping: Being mindful of your spending at the grocery store can payoff - you can save money while still enjoying nutritious and delicious meals.

Recipe for The Day

Poached pears with bay and lemon recipe: Serve this moreish dessert at room temperature with crème fraîche or whipped cream.

Lifestyle & Fitness Focus

3 Health Benefits of Eating Lobster

  • A Healthy Thyroid: The selenium found in lobster is known to help with the thyroid. A healthy thyroid is possible by eating more lobster. The substance acts as an antioxidant and helps the thyroid to absorb what it needs to work efficiently while keeping bad cells from causing it harm.

  • Weight Loss: Lobster does not contain nearly as many calories as some food choices. With a smaller amount of calories consumed in a meal, along with omega-3 fatty acids found in lobster, the shellfish is ideal for aiding in weight loss. People who want to work on their weight should switch to consuming more fish options instead of other meats.

  • Decreasing Inflammation: The good fat content within lobster, as well as the protein, can help to decrease inflammation within the body. The omega-3 fatty acids found in the shellfish maintains the balance of cholesterol levels and helps to increase the compounds that protect the body, known as prostaglandins. Those with arthritis symptoms may experience relief.

Feel Like You Don't Enjoy Anything Anymore? There's a Name for That—Here Are 4 Ways You Can Break Through It

  • Make lifestyle changes that lower inflammation and balance dopamine: Some individuals may have a genetic vulnerability to have slightly imbalanced levels of dopamine. But a lot of the things that help balance dopamine levels are modifiable, such as sleeping sufficiently, exercising or moving more, reducing levels of psychosocial stress, eating consistent healthy meals, and engaging in important social interactions. These lifestyle changes also lessen inflammation in the body and brain, so prioritizing them is key. Engaging in important social connections simply means making contact with people you feel safe with, even if you don't feel like socializing.

  • Limit use of electronics, starting at night: Our electronic devices have become one of our main windows to the world and to each other. When our brains become used to reward cues coming mainly from our phones and computers, it can dull our ability to feel enjoyment from non-electronic experiences. Slowly reduce your electronic use in the hours leading up to bedtime, so you can reap some of the benefits to support sleep as well.

  • Treat yourself like you'd treat a best friend: Do anything you can to convey to yourself that you are worthy of care and worthy of compassion. You may not feel like going for a walk or socializing because it's not going to make you feel better, but to convey to yourself that you're worthy of care, you would ask yourself: What would be most helpful for me right now? How can I show myself care and compassion?

  • Keep a daily record of things you're grateful for: Listing simple things you're grateful for in a journal brings the forgotten positive aspects of our lives to the front of our mind. You may be grateful for having food on your plate, or having a pillow to rest your head on every night, or for the moon and how it shows up every night. Try to do this every day, even if you only write down one or two things.

4 Wonderful Benefits of Lima Beans

  • It May Improve Heart Health: Lima beans may have a potentially positive impact on human health in a number of ways. Not only are lima beans possibly rich in dietary fiber, which can help scrape cholesterol and possibly eliminate it from the body, but they’re also known to be a good source of magnesium and folate.

  • It May Increase Energy Levels: Due to the impressive protein content in lima beans, if you already get enough protein in your diet, the body will store this protein as volatile and easily accessible energy. Lima beans can provide a clean, healthy boost to your cognition and focus as well. The manganese levels in lima beans may also help to optimize the energy production process in the body. Finally, the iron content boosts red blood cell circulation, improving oxygenation and increasing energy.

  • May Contain Antioxidant Properties: Manganese is a key enzyme cofactor for a number of important substances in the body, namely antioxidant compounds that will seek out free radicals in the body and minimize oxidative stress. The high manganese concentration in lima beans may help protect the immune system and prevent various health conditions.

  • May Lead to Improved Digestion: Dietary fiber is most well known for its impact on digestion and the gastrointestinal tracts. Dietary fiber helps to bulk up the stool, thus preventing diarrhea, and also stimulating peristaltic motion to move food through the colon. Fiber can also help the gut optimize nutrient uptake, possibly making sure that we get as much out of our food as possible. Lima beans are incredible sources of fiber – a single cup may serve more than 50% of your recommended daily fiber intake – and they can do great things for your digestive health.

The Exercises Bikini Bodybuilder Erin Stern Uses to Build Her Back

  • Head-Supported Dumbbell Row: Stern opened with head-supported dumbbell rows on an incline weight bench set at a 45-degree angle. This setup allows her to stabilize her torso parallel to the floor. Setting the forehead on the edge of the incline bench prevents swinging of the torso during the movement, allowing the lifter to maintain the tension in the lats Stern grabbed the dumbbells with a neutral grip and pulled them to her chest while driving through her elbows. She finished with her elbows above her back at the top of each rep.

  • Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown: The former Figure Olympia champ employed a two-step technique while performing wide-grip lat pulldowns to help establish a better mind-muscle connection. She initiated the movement by pulling her shoulder blades back and down, then pulled the bar to her upper chest by driving her elbows toward the floor. She paused and contracted her lats at the bottom before returning to the start position. Stern grabbed the bar with a wider-than-shoulder-width overhand grip and maintained an upright torso throughout the movement.

  • Cable V-Bar Row: Stern leaned forward slightly to increase the range of motion without leaning back during the concentric. Doing so would remove tension from the lats. Stern pulled the V-bar handle to her midsection while pulling her elbows behind her torso. She paused and squeezed her lats at the top of each rep.

  • Sideways Single-Arm Pulldown: Stern performed this exercise seated sideways on a lat pulldown machine with a D-handle. She opined the unique movement trajectory of this exercise can help build a wider back. Stern performed this unilateral exercise to fix strength imbalances, which can help improve symmetry. Her upper arm was next to her ear at the starting position. She pulled the bar down to her side in an arc while driving through her elbow to shorten the lat.

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