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  • Avoiding Distractions, 5-Move Leg Workout, and Too Much Fruit

Avoiding Distractions, 5-Move Leg Workout, and Too Much Fruit

Revealed – why chocolate feels so good

Health News Roundup

Despite their popularity, blue-light blocking glasses probably don’t do much to reduce eye strain, help keep people alert or improve sleep, according to a meta-analysis looking at 17 studies published.

Nutrition Corner

Recipe for The Day

Turkey and cashew nut stir-fry: Try this high protein, low fat turkey stir-fry recipe for a quick, healthy weeknight dinner.

Lifestyle & Fitness Focus

Get unstuck: Bring your ideas and goals to life in 4 steps

  • Set a goal: Pick ONE goal and know the desired result.

  • Assemble your sprint team: Work with your network to identify team members, speakers, sessions, accountability partners or other attendees who can bring unique perspectives, skills and expertise to the project.

  • Create a simple 10-day sprint plan: Dedicate four to five days to the creative sprint, but reserve the five days after for EXECUTION. Create a plan for the sprint, including a timeline and required resources. Specific goals require specific planning.

  • Follow up and implement: Get your creative team together and ideate your way to success. Keep an open mind and freely ideate, even if the ideas feel “out of the box.” Capture and record ideas, insights and feedback throughout the process. Create your deployment plan and start implementing your chosen ideas and strategies.

5 Ways to Stay Focused on Your Goals & Avoid Distractions

  • Remove Distractions That Are Not Related to Your Goals: Research shows that environmental noise such as background music, cars, and conversations has a negative impact on most people’s performance. However, many of these noises are easy to tune out (turn off your music, close your door, etc.), so even a little bit of a reduction can improve your performance.

  • Don’t Try to Multitask: Multitasking can result in a 40% decrease in your productivity. Our brains can’t handle multitasking as much as we would hope. Why? When you multitask, you’re quickly shifting your focus from one task to another, which makes it hard to ignore distractions and can lead to brain blocks.

  • Align Your Goals with Your Core Values: Your values are the foundational factors in life that you believe are especially important or essential. When your goals and values align, you will feel a sense of satisfaction, happiness, and fulfillment in life.

  • Get the Important Things Out of the Way: Every day, make sure that you know which 2-3 tasks are essential to complete to make progress toward your goal.

  • Do Some Momentum Management: This is another thing you need to do every day. Keeping your momentum going will ease the process of staying committed to your goals, so it’s important to not take breaks from your efforts.

Natural vs synthetic anti-aging supplements: 6 Tips how to choose

  • Understand the differences: Natural supplements are made from organic or plant-based sources, frequently including complex chemicals that could interact with one another to improve health. On the other hand, synthetic supplements are chemically created to replicate certain natural nutrients. They can deliver consistent nutritional content and exact dosage.

  • Consider personal preferences: Your selection for one supplement over another may influence your values and preferences. Some people choose natural supplements since they are associated with conventional medicine and are seen to be more in tune with nature. On the other hand, some people could favor synthetic supplements that are backed by research and have standardized formulas.

  • Evaluate scientific evidence: A choice must be made after carefully reading scientific and clinical data. Both natural and synthetic supplements have undergone significant research, and there is proof of their efficacy and security. Look over the available information for the particular anti-aging compounds that interest you.

  • Review bioavailability: The term “bioavailability” describes how well a nutrient is absorbed and used by the body. Since natural supplements are frequently in a form comparable to that of whole foods, they may contain substances that are easier to absorb. However, synthetic supplements can provide constant nutritional content and exact dosage.

  • Assess safety profiles: When choosing a supplement, safety must always come first. Most people typically believe natural supplements to be safe, but it’s essential to be aware of any possible drug interactions and personal sensitivities. While synthetic supplements may have a defined composition, some people may be sensitive to particular synthetic substances or have adverse effects.

  • Identify specific ingredients: Choose the essential components you want in an anti-aging supplement and consider whether natural or synthetic forms are more widely accessible. Specific vitamins and minerals, for instance, are frequently found in both forms, but certain plant extracts can only be accessible organically.

Forget deadlifts — sculpt your glutes, quads and hamstrings using this 5-move leg workout

  • Heavy kettlebell swings: 5 sets x 10 reps

  • Rear foot elevated split squat: 4 sets x 5 reps each side

  • Squat jump w/ reset: 4 sets x 3 reps

  • Kettlebell goblet squat: 3 sets x 10-15 reps

  • Suitcase walking lunges: 100 reps (break up the sets however you want 10x10, 5x20).