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3 Arm Tricks, Celebrity Diets, and A Healthier Brain Over 40

5 ways to reduce belly fat (and they don't include exercising)

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Nutrition Corner

Add Nutritious Ingredients to Ultra-Processed Foods To Get Americans To Pay More for Them: Americans would eat and pay more for ulta-processed foods if they has nutritious ingredients with added health benefits, finds a new study.

Health benefits of iron and the iron-rich foods to add to your diet: Here's how consuming iron rich foods can help maintain good health, optimum energy levels and well-being of the body.

Recipe for The Day

Strawberry Oatmeal Bars: Strawberry Oatmeal Bars are a healthier fruit dessert made with fresh strawberries, whole grain butter crumb topping, and a lightly sweetened vanilla glaze. This healthier oatmeal bars recipe is a favorite, because these delicious treats are easy to make and just 100 calories each!

Lifestyle & Fitness Focus

4 Pre-Workout Snacks to Eat

  • 1/4 cup dried mango slices and raw almonds: A handful of dried fruit and mixed nuts helps provide long-lasting fuel for running or hiking. Just be sure to keep the serving to around a 1/4 cup and aim to have it about an hour ahead of time so you don't end up uncomfortably full before a workout.

  • A slice of whole grain toast with a tablespoon of peanut butter and a small banana: This combo provides a higher amount of quick-digesting carbohydrates—perfect for fueling intense workouts like running or HIIT training. Eat this snack at least an hour before a strenuous workout to provide enough time to digest.

  • 16-ounce green smoothie: Smoothies can help give you an energy boost for cardio classes without making you feel overly stuffed. Be sure to choose ingredients that provide a good balance of carbohydrates and protein.

  • A medium apple and a tablespoon nut butter: This classic combo of carbohydrates and protein is ideal for fueling a light workout like yoga or swimming.

4 Celebrity Diet Trends Backed by Science

  • Plant-Based Diet: A review has shown that people who adhere to plant-based diets have been proven to lengthen life and drastically reduce the risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.

  • The Mediterranean Diet: The Mediterranean diet is exceptionally high in antioxidants and polyphenols, which a 2022 meta-analysis has shown is very effective at maintaining a high level of health. It has been shown that people who adhere to this diet have the lowest incidences of obesity and chronic disease.

  • Intermittent Fasting: It can lead to a reduction in calorie intake and promote weight loss, primarily by enhancing fat burning and increasing insulin sensitivity. Intermittent fasting has also shown potential benefits for brain health, longevity, and cellular repair, although further research is needed in these areas.

  • Paleo Diet: One large study looked at the benefits of self-reported, long-term dietary patterns in young adults from Spain. The researchers found that the paleo diet was linked to lower heart disease, or cardiovascular, risk factors.

Five easy ways to reduce belly fat (and they don't include exercising)

  • Drink coffee: A study by the School of Medicine at the University of Nottingham discovered that coffee stimulates 'brown fat' in our bodies, burning sugar and fat to produce body heat.

  • Moderate some vegetables: Legumes, beans and cruciferous vegetables (the likes of cabbage, cauliflower and brussel sprouts) are all highly nutritious and should certainly feature in your diet however, if you're not used to them, they can unfortunately cause you to become gassy.

  • Try a juice cleanse: If you're looking to feel great on the inside, try a juice cleanse. They help to debloat, reset your body and recharge your energy levels.

  • Get enough sleep: Lack of sleep does contribute to weight gain, so make sure you get your full eight hours a night. When our bodies don't get enough sleep, cortisol (the stress hormone) levels increase, which tells your body to save energy and get you through the day.

  • Hit maximum chill: First things first, chill out. When you're feeling frazzled, your body produces more of the stress hormone which has a negative effect on your digestive system – leaving you feeling and looking bloated plus, possibly, constipated.

3 Tricks to Help Your Arms Grow

  • Mechanical Tension: The first tip involves a unique superset technique, combining heavy weight for 8-10 reps with a lighter weight for 15-20 reps without rest.

  • Increase Strength: The second tip underscores the importance of increasing overall arm strength. Progressively use heavier weights for arm exercises, avoiding plateaus by consistently challenging the muscles.

  • Exercise Variety: The third tip encourages variety by regularly switching arm exercises every four to six weeks. This ensures that different parts of the biceps and triceps are targeted, preventing adaptation and promoting continuous growth.

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